Students- How to beat the Monday Blues

Hey everyone, today I thought I’d do a little advice post based on what I’ve learnt during my free time at uni.

As you can see from the title, I decided to discuss the dreaded Monday Blues. Mondays are pretty much the same for everyone. With the prospect of a week full of lectures, essays and hangovers, no-one escapes the feeling of dread that slowly settles into your stomach as Sunday afternoon becomes Sunday evening, and all too soon it’s time to prepare for the impossible burden of tomorrow.

Why do we hate Mondays so much? For me, and I imagine most of us, Mondays signify a long week ahead, full of potential stress, work, and boredom. My Monday begins with a not-so-kind 5-9 lecture, with the slightly daunting prospect of the week ahead, where I have to juggle assignments, lectures and work, as well as finding time to socialise. To make things a little easier, this is what I do:

  • Write a list of productive things to do each day

My worst habit is disorganization, and if I let it get the better of me, I end up feeling frazzled at even the thought of all the jobs- big and small- I’m yet to do over the week. Writing a list on Sunday night is a really good way to make sure everything is done in time and on order. Tell yourself you HAVE to stick to the list each day and get everything done (providing your bestie isn’t having a crisis or your flatmate hasn’t set your kitchen on fire). Reward yourself with something small every day for completing your list. Being the food lover that I am, I find rewarding myself with food works every time!

  • Set goals

Setting goals is different to your daily list. Half the reason why your week can feel so boring is if you’re not pushing yourself to step off the straight, narrow line you’re so used to following. Maybe it’s time to set yourself some mini challenges to make you feel like you have achieved more out of your day. As an anxiety sufferer, I set myself challenges such as asking a friend out for a meal or opening up to strangers in group work. They may seem like little achievements to some but to me, they make me feel on top of the world! You might also want to set yourself a bigger challenge that’s fun to spend time on, such as creating a YouTube channel or a blog. Even if only you and your mum are viewing your content, sometimes it’s great to have a secondary motivation running alongside work.

  • Say yes to everything!

This is something I have only just now learnt to do. When I look back to my past, I find that the only things I regret is the opportunities I didn’t take. I’m not implying you should follow your friend into some crazy illegal activity, but if the reason you’re saying no is because something scares you, or it’s out of your comfort zone, or you don’t think you’ll like it, say yes anyway. You might just surprise yourself and find you have an amazing time.

  • Make time for the things you enjoy

The mistake I so often make is to give myself absolutely no time for the things that I enjoy. Its so important to give yourself time to relax and have some time to yourself. Whether it’s cooking, reading, watching Netflix or chilling with your cat, don’t be afraid to do what you love, and make sure you leave enough time every day to do a bit of it- even if it’s just scrolling down your Instagram and Facebook newsfeeds.

  • Don’t compare your week with other people’s

There’s always going to be someone smarter, richer, more popular and more beautiful out there. It’s a fact. But you should never focus on these people. Focus on your own goals; what you’re aiming for in the long run. There’s no point feeling jealous about the person who’s already made it when you need to figure out how to do it yourself. I spent far too much time comparing myself to others through high school (and even sometimes now) but it’s never done anything in my favour. Believing in yourself and more importantly, loving yourself, will make you feel more inspired and motivated than any “role model” ever will.

I hope this goes even a short way to inspiring everyone to make the most out of their Mondays! Do you have any #mondaymotivation tips you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments below!

My plans for the new year: Laur

Hey everyone! Now that we are well and truly off into January, I thought I’d let you all know about my plans for the new year. Pretty much everyone starts the year off by giving themselves a handful of goals to accomplish with the phrase ‘new year new me’ at the front of their mind, and I’m guilty of being someone who finds myself falling into this category year after year, silly as I think it is to have to wait for the new year to better yourself.

But regardless, I made plans as I always do! As a quick backgrounder, last year had both good and bad points for me. My relationship with my boyfriend, Brad, grew in strength, and we shared so many happy memories together. But towards the end of the year everything started to go wrong in other aspects of my life.

I had a falling out with the friends I shared a flat with at uni in Nottingham, and when I say falling out, I mean a HUGE argument, with bitchy comments, yelling, crying, silent treatment; all that drama. As a result, I left uni and went back home for Christmas feeling like I had no one I could call a true friend at uni. And that led to new years resolution number 1:

1.) Make more friends

Generic, right? But uni is literally the most sociable time of your life. If you don’t have friends at uni, the likelihood is, you live in your room.

That was my situation before I left uni for Christmas. My anxiety only added to the problem, because it made me feel too scared to take the necessary steps to meet new people and convince myself that not all girls are back-stabbers.

But I can say I’m halfway there already. I’m trying to move out of my flat, which will mean endless possibilities when it comes to looking for more people to hang out with. So many people drop out of uni after Christmas, so it’s exciting to think that one of the rooms sitting empty in student accommodation could soon be mine.

On my first day back at uni, I met up with a girl who had coincidently viewed my flat before Christmas. She decided not to take the room, which was lucky, because we became friends after that. She’s definitely helping me to fulfil my first new year’s resolution because she’s in a similar situation to me, and is up for meeting anyone like me! And that leads me nicely onto new years resolution number 2:

2.) Get fit

I can almost see you guys rolling your eyes at me right now. Getting fit is another pathetically generic new years resolution, I know, but I have seriously lost myself in revision and chocolate binges since starting uni, and I want to get back to the gym bunny I was a few years ago. I used to squat a few times a week, and had a good bum from it. Now my bum has basically vanished and I want the booty back!

So I’m going have to get off my lazy bum and make some fitness efforts. I’m actually about to go to dance class now, which I’m trying out with my friend Nicole so if I make a fool out of myself or hate it, I won’t feel as bad. Also, planning to go with a friend means I won’t back out at the last minute!

I’ve also downloaded an app on my phone for “getting a big bum”. Whether this happens, we’re yet to see, as I’ve only tried it out once. It was literally a 10 minute exercise which killed me off. The next day, everything hurt- my legs, my bum, my feet, my arms. It was pathetic.

I wouldn’t say I’ve given in with the app, but I’m trying to get my timetable for this year sorted and it’s not even an excuse when I say I HONESTLY HAVE NO TIME IN MY DAY AT ALL RIGHT NOW. I won’t bore you with the details but think last minute stress relating to assignment deadlines. (I promise this is not an excuse! I’ll start… soon.

I also love swimming, but for me, that’s more of a therapy than a sport. Let me explain with new year’s resolution number 3…

3.) Do things to relax my mind

Because I’ve been so stressed and anxious recently, I hadn’t been giving myself the attention I think I needed. I let my anxiety build up and up, which resulted in so many days sitting in my room feeling sick. You should truly never let yourself get this way. So I decided I need to introduce more relaxation into my life. I don’t mean yoga or meditation or any of the stereotypical stuff; just little things that I enjoy and that are easy, no-pressure things to do.

Like I said above, I love swimming. When I go swimming, it’s just me and my breathing, and the water around me (I realize how weird this sounds, but for some reason swimming just has a really really calming effect on me. It’s better than therapy, I swear). When I’m swimming, I don’t think about any problems in my life. I can’t even explain why, but it’s so good for me.

Other random things that keep me happy involve knitting (I knitted my own scarf this Christmas!), doing jigsaws and crosswords, and watching documentaries- anything involving Louis Theroux is my absolute favourite. It helps to do a little bit of something that relaxes me every night so that I can sleep better, without having late night anxious thoughts.

Fave makeup product of the week

If you’ve read Em’s post then you’ll know she’s doing a fave makeup product of the week post every week, so I thought I would join her in that and share my own personal faves with you! My favourite items in my makeup bag right now are my Real Techniques Bold Metals makeup brushes, which I got as a Christmas present from my mum and absolutely adore! Not only are they seriously pretty, but they make my face look amazing- totally worth the cost. I especially like the eyeshadow brushes as I was lacking some decent ones, so I can experiment so much more now I have these.


Again, if you’ve read Em’s post already then you’ll know that we’re keeping a fun list of stats at the end of the blog so you guys can see the little things that me and Em are up to. If you have anymore ideas for categories let us know on our instagram account!

  • LECTURES ATTENDED- 3/4 (I didn’t go to the one this morning… I may have gone out the night before!)